Monday, March 22, 2010

24032010-002 Controlled Rationalized Life.

resources are getting challenged.
falling short...
resource priced high by not the demand supply forces..
but by the seller...
sellers are increasing the prices
sellers are decreasing the prices...
role of consumer now has ended...
consumer has a wide variety of choices...
lot of combinations of products...
but on price consumer has no controls..
price is tagged...
discounts are tagged...
it is the wish of the consumer to go or not to go...
the days of consumer bargaining is over...
a very little choice exists... that too with a poor vegetable seller etc..
otherwise consumer freedom of bargaining is over...
whatever item one takes:
petrol, freeze, ready made garments.. whatever...
price has been tagged...
now no choice..
only choose brand or colour..
but no negotiation on price...
so what a consumer is left...
controlled purchases...
essential purchases...
rationalized purchased decisions...
resources need to be generated...
but to be preserved now at all micro decision making points..
this is the wise principle..
at all the levels...
those who own resources...
they shall live in the coming times...
rest shall be pushed to the corners...
wiped out...


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